Top 5 Poker Players Today

Trending 5 months ago

Creative news for lottery- Unlike playing successful a casino online, location is thing typical astir sitting down astatine nan poker array and getting into nan bosom of nan action. Then again, you whitethorn find yourself successful a oversea of sharks depending connected nan game.

There are 5 poker players who transcend nan fame of online casino games and predominate nan felt arsenic only nan champion poker players successful nan world can.

Phil Ivey

Ivey whitethorn very good beryllium nan astir celebrated and champion poker subordinate ever. He roseate to prominence during nan togel roar of nan 2000s and has since go nan look of Full Tilt Poker. The 10 WSOP bracelets surely don’t wounded his case, either. In 2022 alone, Ivey cashed almost $6 million, making him 1 of nan astir successful players ever.

Benny Glaser

Though he whitethorn not beryllium nan sanction that Ivey is, Glaser has go a mixed crippled master alternatively than getting progressive successful nan accepted world of No Limit Texas Hold’em. He’s had occurrence successful personification and online, winning 4 British WSOP bracelets. Since 2015, he has go 1 of nan champion poker players going, becoming arguably nan champion successful nan online realm.

Daniel ‘Jungleman’ Cates

A assemblage dropout turned poker player, Cates had won much than $11 cardinal successful online poker by 2011. Cates has since moved into nan unrecorded environment, winning nan WSOP $50,000 Players Championship arena successful 2021 and 2022. With $11 cardinal successful unrecorded tourney cashes since, he’s easy go 1 of nan apical names successful nan world.

Jason Koon

Koon, an American, is sixth connected nan all-time winnings list, having accumulated much than $41 cardinal conscionable from unrecorded poker. He near Party Poker to correspond GG Poker and has go possibly nan astir accordant ace precocious roller performer retired there. Don’t fto nan 1 WSOP bracelet fool you, either. He won $18 cardinal successful precocious roller events a twelvemonth agone and he defeated nan legendary Phil Hellmuth successful Poker Go’s High Stakes Duel III to triumph $1.6 million. 

Stephen Chidwick

The Englishman Chidwick is presently 4th connected nan all-time money database but often flies nether nan radar. He consistently finishes highly successful tournaments but keeps a debased profile. With 1 bracelet, much than 20 apical 10 finishes, and a whopping 64 finishes successful nan money astatine nan WSOP, it’s difficult to reason pinch nan resume Chidwick puts together.


Though nan scenery has changed from nan times of Doyle Brunson, Daniel Negreanu, and others who dominated nan early 2000s poker scene, location are still ascendant names moving nan show. With millions successful winnings and accordant finishes astatine nan WSOP, it is easy to spot why these players suffice arsenic immoderate of nan champion successful nan world.

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