Sony and Playtech Collaborate for Breaking Bad Slot game

Trending 4 months ago

Breaking Bad is 1 of nan astir iconic tv shows successful history. As 1 of nan apical purveyors of online slots, Playtech is combining pinch Sony Pictures Consumer Products to create a slot title that won’t soon beryllium forgotten. The Breaking Bad Cash Collect crippled is present to harvester nan champion of some worlds.

The very champion of thing tends to unrecorded connected successful different mediums. As 1 of nan champion tv shows of nan 21st century, Breaking Bad continues to beryllium talked astir 15 years aft its creation and 11 years aft nan last section aired.

Sony Pictures Consumer Products, owners of nan Breaking Bad property, and Playtech, creators of award-winning slot titles, person mixed to create a fable successful its ain rights. The Breaking Bad crippled will beryllium added to nan Cash Collect™ suite.

Breaking Bad Cash Collect

 Cash Collect & Link (PlayTech) Slot Review - 💎AboutSlots

The caller summation to Playtech’s online slots catalog will bring nan Breaking Bad beingness to life. It is simply a prize crippled that will beryllium portion of nan Cash Collect™ suite. The prize crippled will supply respective caller layers of excitement pinch each play.

Players prime a chemic constituent to start, determining really galore free spins they will get. Then, it’s clip to take a characteristic successful bid to find nan multiplier astatine play. Thanks to Playtech’s Engagement Games strategy, 1 of their astir innovative features, players will person much chances to triumph and gain greater worth each while getting 1 of nan astir immersive experiences erstwhile it comes to online casino games.

Playtech Speaks

As 1 of nan preeminent names successful nan online slot industry, this is simply a large summation to Playtech’s portfolio. Head of Casino astatine Playtech, Jade Pecorella, had this to opportunity astir nan partnership: “Breaking Bad is simply a genuinely legendary TV franchise, truthful to person nan chance to bring it to life for Casino and beryllium portion of its 15th day is simply a existent honour. With specified a beardown worldwide fanbase crossed cardinal demographics, we person precocious hopes for Breaking Bad arsenic a Casino marque and are very excited by nan opportunity to present thing typical successful nan tone of this TV legend.”

She continued: “Since launching successful 2021, Cash Collect has go 1 of Playtech’s apical performing Casino suites, and nan occurrence of The Walking Dead and Gold Rush demonstrates nan worth of combining licensed contented pinch in-house brands. Operators person an opportunity to pull 2 chopped audiences here, which is conscionable 1 of nan galore reasons we expect Breaking Bad: Cash Collect & Link to beryllium 1 of nan large hits of nan year.”


Fans of Breaking Bad will get to partake successful immoderate of nan astir immersive online slots retired there. Fans of Playtech will beryllium introduced to 1 of nan astir fascinating tv shows location has ever been. It is simply a win-win that will create 1 of nan astir memorable online slot experiences.
