DraftKings and Kindbridge Behavioral Health Join Forces

Trending 4 months ago

Though online gambling has grown exponentially successful caller years, location are inherent concerns. Chief among them is problem gambling. DraftKings, a leader successful online casino gaming and sports betting has taken nan basal steps to thief curb nan problem by joining up pinch Kindbridge Behavioral Health.

DraftKings, arsenic 1 of nan leaders successful nan online casino and sports betting community, has taken an important measurement to reside concerns astir problem gambling successful nan online space. 

The renowned sportsbook and online casino has joined forces pinch Kindbridge Behavioral Health, a institution based retired of Boston. The extremity is to supply curen and therapy arsenic it relates to problem gambling successful each iGaming and operational sports betting markets.

Kindbridge Creating a Strong List of Partners

Though nan attraction from outsiders whitethorn beryllium connected making sports bets and playing online slots, nan attraction from wrong DraftKings is overmuch much serious. This business is 1 that will use iGaming, arsenic a whole.

Kindbridge has already done a awesome occupation of putting together a group of partners that shows really superior it is astir its mission. Currently, Kindbridge besides has partnerships pinch brands for illustration US Integrity and BetMGM, among others. The woody pinch nan erstwhile came past November arsenic nan 2 activity jointly pinch ProhiBet. The extremity is to supply intelligence wellness support for athletes, peculiarly those who struggle pinch gambling-related issues.

A Big Move for DraftKings

Kindbridge Behavioral Health - DraftKings and Kindbridge Research Institute  Advance Veterans-Focused Responsible Gaming Research

As 1 of nan apical names successful nan online sports betting and iGaming realm, DraftKings faces changeless scrutiny. Making nan move to subordinate up pinch Kindbridge is 1 that shows that they are superior astir battling nan problem gambling issue.

“We admit nan opportunity to deepen our collaboration pinch Kindbridge Behavioral Health and fortify our committedness to providing important resources to those experiencing imaginable indications of problem gambling,” said Jennifer Aguiar, DraftKings Chief Compliance Officer. “We want everyone connected our level to prosecute successful responsible play and we are committed to educating consumers connected nan multitude of resources offered.”

“For those who admit signs of problem gaming and determine to utilize our devices to self-exclude, they now person entree to therapy and curen free of costs done Kindbridge Behavioral Health.”

These resources will beryllium disposable for users successful 25 states wherever DraftKings operates. The 2 sides person really mixed erstwhile before, launching a aviator programme successful Colorado backmost successful 2023. This is much an description of nan erstwhile statement than anything.


While nan problem will ne'er beryllium wholly solved, it is important that DraftKings return nan basal steps to thief curtail nan issue. Joining up pinch Kindbridge Behavioral Health, an important programme will beryllium put successful spot to thief those successful need. In nan end, it is simply a beardown effort to support online gambling and sports betting nosy and recreational, arsenic it was meant to be.

Source Casino.com